Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 9, 2015
You are "pillars of light" for all the children who did not convert in time!
- Message No. 807 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: Your light must shine in this time of darkness, because the more the devil condenses his network, the more difficult it becomes for Our children to be able to see the light of My Son.
That is why it is so important that you let your light shine, connect it with the light of My Son, so that you do not get lost, and maintain the connection with My Son, who is now more and more "driven" out of your world by the devil and his henchmen.
You are at the same time "pillars of light" for all those children who have not converted in time, but are not yet considered "completely lost".
So they also still have the possibility to orientate themselves through and to you, in order to still be able to start the way home to the Father and not to get lost in the darkness of the network of the devil, who WILL HIDE EVERY SOUL, WHICH HAS NOT CONVERTED TO MY SON IN TIME!
My children. Get ready for the end, for it is knocking at your door very soon. You do not see it, but you see the changes in your world. Do you really think that the "climate change" will come from the CO2 that you are releasing?
Do not be sold for stupid, because the prophecies come true! Do not believe the therefore runners, and do not listen to the lies which are sold to you by them, their sphere and the media!
They distract you -quite consciously- from the truth, "create" explanations for you and verbanalize you their deeds, their goals, their plans, by lying, lying and cheating and keep you so far away from the truth, and you let it happen deedless and voicelessly (!)!!!
Stand up, and turn completely to Jesus! HE is the truth, the purest light and the love! HE is the way home!
Confess yourselves to HIM and consecrate yourselves to HIM! Give yourselves completely to HIM and turn away from the illusory world, which the devil projects to you! You will be lost if you do not recognize the truth!
So get up and start praying! Ask for help from heaven (!) and it will be given to you. Don't be afraid of the truth, but ask for clarity and enlightenment!
The Holy Spirit of the Lord is among you, so pray to HIM and ask HIM, and the truth will be given to you!
With HIM you will find to Jesus, and HE will guide you, because more and more you will recognize the lies and the sham in which you live.
With HIM you will find the true way, so now pray to the Holy Spirit so that you will not be lost. Amen. So be it.
With deep love.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥