Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Save yourselves by confessing Jesus!
- Message No. 804 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Jesus: "Good morning, My daughter."
Please tell the children of the earth today to pray (again). Prayer is your strongest weapon against all the evil attacks that are currently being perpetrated -more and more- against Our faithful children.
"Pray, My children, and find yourselves wholly with Me, with your Jesus, for he who is wholly with Me will not be lost. Consecrate yourselves to Me, My beloved children, every day anew, because with your consecration to Me and to My Holy Mother Mary, the devil loses his power over you. Amen. Your Jesus."
My children. My children so beloved by Me. So many of you do not use prayer. You do not trust. They don't know about the power and the strength.
Use prayer, My children, which is so healing for your soul. Your prayer helps. Your prayer heals. It helps and heals not only you and your loved ones, but worldwide and the world itself! It is strong, it is powerful, and it stops evils in their tracks!
My children. Your prayer is the weapon and your defense in this time of the end! Use it, and always turn to your Heavenly Helpers! They/We all stand ready for you and pave the way for you, because the New Kingdom will soon open its gates, and the way to it We preserve and illuminate for you.
Come, My children, come and give your YES to Jesus. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so from the bottom of My heart, because ONLY Jesus is your way to glory, all other ways lead you to the corruption that lies/ends in the devil's hell.
Save yourselves, My children, by confessing Jesus. With HIM you will find salvation, without HIM you will be lost.
"So confess now and wait no longer. We, the Lord's Heavenly Helpers, stand ready for you. Amen."
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥