Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 4, 2015
This consecration holds a special gift of grace!
- Message No. 802 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Your light must shine in this time of "shadow", because the evil one covers you and your earth with his intrigues, his lies, his traps, his seductions, his snares and his darkness, and his fetters he puts around you, around your soul, and many of Our faithful children suffer, because the devil attacks them, tempts them where they are weak and vulnerable.
Therefore, My so beloved children, you must pray and "concentrate" completely on My Son, i.e. Give yourselves to Him again and again, give yourselves to Him, give Him your YES, again and again and let yourselves be guided by Him and His angels -the angels of the Father- as you ask your saints to be with you, to pray for you and with you and to ask the Holy Spirit always and every day anew for clarity and for purity, for protection against lies and aberrations and for preservation of the truth in your heart. Ask St. Michael the Archangel for protection and that He be your defender in the fight against evil.
My children. Time is now becoming more and more condensed, that is, the devil is building his nets more and more densely, so that there is hardly any passage for Our children. He wants absolute control, because that is how he -and his elite and henchmen- see who does not belong to his servants.
He will not stop until he has tempted and drawn all the believing children to himself. He does not shy away from torture or the cruelest inhumanity. He murders and he causes mischief, but, My beloved children, when you are completely established in My Son, he will not be able to harm you, that is, he will not be able to condemn you and your soul will be saved, but you must give yourselves completely to My Son and consecrate yourselves to HIM and to Me, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
Our consecrated children will experience special graces and special protection will be given to them. You will do this consecration in peace, alone with Me and/or My Son. You do not need a priest for it, because this consecration comes out of your longing for Us alone. It comes out of your purest love for Us and should be repeated every day. You give Us your heart and soul, surrender them to Us, and We will guard and keep them. You surrender yourselves completely to Us, your existence, your life, your body - EVERYTHING.
Ask Us to live and act through you. I will give you My softness, like the love I have for all My faithful children. My Son will be in you and will work and act in you. If you give yourselves completely to Him, He will be able to act through you, but this is a long way for most of you, since your self-will is very pronounced.
My children. Consecrate yourselves to Us and experience the goodness and graces that will be bestowed upon you. You will experience special protection and be very close to Us. This consecration comes from your heart and soul, and it is the perfect love and devotion to Me and My Son, and thus to God the Father.
Do not doubt, but act. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, will put My protective mantle around each consecrated child, and the serpent I will crush the head so that it cannot harm you/your soul.
In deep maternal love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Whoever does not understand, call to the Holy Spirit for clarity. Amen."
"This consecration holds a special gift of grace. Amen. Your Jesus, who loves you so much. Amen."
--- "Tell the children that they may consecrate themselves. Tell them. Amen. Your Mother in heaven."
"Tell the children today to consecrate themselves to Us. Tell them, please. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen.
Source: ➥