Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 29, 2014
The only important thing this year is to find completely to Jesus!
- Message No. 796 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children today that We love them.
A new year is dawning and with it many good resolutions. Most of them you will not be able to keep, but others you will be able to implement.
The only thing that is important this year is to find Jesus completely, because the end is coming to your earthly existence, and whoever does not find Jesus will be lost. His soul will suffer in Satan's hellfires and be subjected to the greatest torments, therefore, My children, use the coming year to PREPARE yourselves, because time is running out for you and there will be NO DELAY!
The time is set for Jesus to come again, so now get up from your so comfortable life and look the truth in the face: the end is knocking at your door and will snatch you from your comfortable home, for there will be no more delay, and the decision will fall.
So convert and confess and stand up for Jesus! HE, who was born to you for your salvation and return home to the Father, fulfills the prophecies given to you, so wake up and get ready, because if you "oversleep", greatest calamity will befall you and your inheritance will be "stolen" from you.
So get up and stand up for Jesus, because HE IS THE WAY, your way to the New Kingdom, which will be more beautiful and glorious than anything you have known before.
My children. Get up! It is not too late. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥