Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Soon the "heaven on earth" will come!
- Message No. 766 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: My children. Prepare yourselves, for soon the "heaven on earth" will come, that is, My Son will come to redeem you, but you must be prepared and pure for HIM.
My children. Leave off earthly pleasures of any kind, because they "veil" you, and you go into the world of evil, because with temptations he lures you, and a "beautiful" world he promises you, but everything is only appearance and shine, artificially created, so that you lose yourselves and do not find the true "shine", My Son.
My children. Get ready and on your way, because Jesus is waiting for you! With His arms stretched out to you, He stands ready for you. So run to HIM and let yourselves fall and be healed in the holy arms of your Savior! HE, WHO died for all of you on the Cross, for the redemption of sins, EVEN YOUR SINS, will come to take you to the wonderful glorious New World, His Kingdom, but you must be prepared for HIM to take you, and your soul MUST be free from sin and defilement.
My children. Jesus will come to triumph, and until then hold on, My children, for the time is now approaching and will soon be at your door! Prepare yourselves, because "the end will roll over", that is, everything will happen very quickly and he who has not found to My Son will be lost, he who has not established himself in HIM will not be able to distinguish, and the adversary he will follow, because he has not confessed to My Son, has not listened to Our Word in these messages and has not prepared himself for the end of these days. Thus he will be lost, and the New Kingdom of the Lord he will not know.
Confess, My children, for only Jesus is the way not to be lost. HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, but without HIM you will be lost. Amen.
My children. Confess, because Jesus is your only chance. Amen. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven, with the Holy Angels of the Father and the Saints. Amen.
Source: ➥