Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 7, 2014
It is the time that brings decision!
- Message No. 742 -

My child. Please say the following to the children of Earth today: What is currently happening on your earth is what was foretold to you many, many years ago. You are in the end times, and it is the time that brings decision!
The devil is exceedingly active, he has already planned and threaded everything decades and -hundreds ago, and now he sees himself very, very close to his evil goal realization!
My children, do not be afraid, because the devil will not win! My Son, your Jesus, will win the victory, but it is up to you to go with HIM or to be eternally bound to the devil.
My children. The decision is yours! A YES is enough, and My Son will be your Savior, but you must go to Him and ask Him, otherwise He will not be able to do anything for you! Your free will will be respected until the end, i.e. you carry the responsibility for yourselves (and for your children, for whom you must be an example!)!
My children. Convert yourselves now! Break out of the confusion of your earth and run to Jesus!
Give HIM your YES, My children, and the miracles will happen in your life too!
Know the truth and be careful! Once again We warn you: Jesus will come, but HE will NOT dwell among you! But the Antichrist, who will be celebrated as his!
Believe and trust, because the end is closer than you think. Amen. With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥