Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 27, 2014
HALLOWEEN - You are sending your children to demons!
- Message No. 730 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and hear what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the world: You are blinded and made blind. You do not see the truth, and you follow the devil. Know that if you do not break out of the lies, the pretense, the glamor and the vicious circle, that an eternity of pain awaits you! Your suffering will be immense, and there will be no way out for you.
So use now your chance, which still remains to you, and turn back (!), because soon it will be too late for you, and who has not turned back, has not confessed to My Son, your Jesus, bitter times will await him, because his eternity will be full of suffering and torment, and the reproaches, which he will make to himself, because he has not heard, will tear him up inside!!!
My children. Do not do to yourselves this torment that will last forever! You yourselves are responsible for your actions! You must decide for Jesus and set your little ones on the way, because without HIM you will ALL be lost, and how will you feel when you see how your little ones have to suffer BECAUSE YOU HAVE SET THEM ON THE WAY TO HELL!!!?
Stay away from Halloween and devil things, because only Jesus is your way!
Don't say "Just a party" and don't let your children run into the traps of evil!
Say NO to Halloween and skulls, to the trivialization and misappropriation of this and other satanic cults!
You send your children to demons and the devil and will have to bear the responsibility for it!!!
So say NO! to everything that does not come from My Son, and break out of this world of appearances and lies!
Celebrate your festivals thoughtfully, and especially keep up the Catholic celebrations. They are a gift from Heaven for you, because on them very special graces flow down to earth.
So celebrate them thoughtfully and with love in your hearts and keep away from everything that comes from the devil.
You now know about the origin and the shame of the Halloween cult, so don't run after this "trend" and "save" your little ones: from demons, from banalization, from demonization and normalization!
You are responsible!
So prepare the way to heaven for them and don't let them run to hell! Amen. With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Halloween is a satanic festival and dangerous for your salvation. Warn your children about it and keep them away, for they are the first to be attacked. Amen. I love you. Do not give in to this fashion. It is satanicst. Amen."
Source: ➥