Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 24, 2014
This is how you will be lifted up....
- Message No. 726 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and listen to what I, your Holy Father in Heaven, want to say today to all the children of the earth: You must trust in My Son and accept and offer up everything that happens! That is not to say that you allow free action to the therefore. It means that no matter what happens in your life, you accept it and offer and sacrifice it to ME, your Father in Heaven.
My children. You must decide, because the end is coming. Those of you who give your YES to Jesus, MY Only Begotten Son - your sincere YES (!)-, will be shown the way to the New Kingdom. They will be lifted up, and 1000 years of peace will be theirs. Those of you who do not confess Jesus, be told: Hard times will await you and an eternity full of suffering and torment!
You must confess and orient yourselves completely to Jesus! Let earthly things be earthly and come completely to My Son! Do not be distracted by earthly difficulties, but learn through them! You must "grow" and "ripen", like a sweet fruit, which unfolds to its full (taste) potential only after growth and maturity! Jesus will come to liberate you and take you away, and HE will lift you up, but you must have attained a certain "degree of maturity".
My children. This is only to be an example, for better understanding. With all the "problems" that may present themselves to you, you are "growing" and "maturing". So don't let problems and difficulties get you down, but accept them and learn to hand them over to ME. MY Son will help you in every situation, but you have to ask HIM!
My children. I, your Father in Heaven, love you very much, and I wish you could be spared all the purification that still has to take place in order to uplift you. But you do not recognize the truth and follow more and more the devil without really knowing it, because you close yourselves from the truth and do not care about your salvation!
Open yourselves for Jesus, My children, and follow Him. Thus you will be lifted up when the great day of joy comes and will not be lost to His adversary.
Come, My children, come and make your way to Jesus now. He will embrace each one of you in His holy arms and will not reject a single one of you, because He loves you as I love you, and this love lasts forever.
So come now and set out! The way into MY Kingdom of Heaven is open to you, as soon as you give your honest YES to Jesus! Amen. So be it.
Your loving Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥