Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The mystery of the Creator is so simple to understand!
- Message No. 718 -

My child. Tell the children of the earth today that they may repent, for only in this way can they be saved by My Son, your ONLY Savior, and find their way to the Father.
My children. So many people are lost. They believe in other religions, have other gods there and do not even know how misguided they are by the evil ones who say their religion is the only true one, because their god is the right god, but children(!), be warned, because you worship FALSE GODS, and that, My children so loved by Me, will cost you eternity in the end!
As sad as it makes Me and as painful as it is for My Mother Heart, which loves you so much, I can do nothing for you if you do not give Me your consent and your trust, you do not convert to My Son! Only Jesus is the TRUE way to the Kingdom of Heaven! HE is Son of God and God at the same time!
Our Creator, God Most High, is One/Three God, because HE is Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and yet HE is ONE! Jesus will never be separated from God the Father, just as the Holy Spirit will never be separated from the Father and the Son. They are all ONE, a SINGLE God and yet they are three: Triune God!
Without the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit would not exist, because HE springs from their love for each other! Without the Father and the Holy Spirit there would not be the Son: "And She received of the Holy Spirit"! So Jesus and the Holy Spirit are part of the Father and together, united, they are the Triune God!
My children. My so beloved children. Still most of you have not understood the One True God and Creator. Neither His commandments, His teachings, nor His "person", yet it is all so simple: abandon all earthly things and renounce the devil and all that comes from him, so that you may finally know the truth!
The mystery of the Creator is so simple to understand, but you must understand it with the heart and the spirit, because earthly it is not possible for you (most of you).
So now ask the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and for the gift of understanding the mystery about God the Father: Prayer No.37: Ask for the gift of understanding
Holy Spirit, to You I cry out like a little lost child, asking You: Bestow upon me the gift of understanding and enlighten me!
Help me to understand the mystery of God the Father and lead me completely to Him. In this way I will become worthy and whole and know what is the truth. Amen.
Help me, Holy Spirit, to find my way to the Lord in deep adoration, for there are hidden the keys to understanding around the mysteries of the Lord.
I thank You, Holy Spirit, and I want to live my life with You and in the service of the Lord from today on. Please help me to do this.
My children. This prayer will help you to find your way to the Father. Give your YES to Jesus, for HE is the way to the Father. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Source: ➥