Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 13, 2014
Do not ignore MY Word, which is Holy, for it will cost you eternity!
- Message No. 715 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: Your light will perish if you do not confess Jesus, MY Only Begotten Son, for HE alone is the key into MY Kingdom of Heaven, and without HIM, without HIS Divine Light in you, you will not find the way to ME, your Father in Heaven, without HIM you will be lost, for your light will be extinguished and the devil will seize power over you!
So set out to MY Holy Son and let your light shine! Connect it -you- with the heavenly light, because so WE are in constant connection!
Don't let it go out because of a few earthly transients! Turn completely to MY Son and become worthy to attain the New Kingdom.
The way there is bumpy, and not always easy, but what awaits you there is more glorious than anything you have known before!
So go the only way that leads you home: Find My Son! He will guide you and "enlighten" you, because His light in you will shine, as soon as you have found to Him!
Surrender yourselves completely to HIM, every day, your existence, and become worthy to walk the path to glory! HE is your guide, the key to eternity, and with HIM you will never be lost!
So say your YES to Jesus and start sharing your life with HIM! Whoever is completely with HIM will be closest to ME!
So set out and renounce all earthly bondages.
In most ardent love I await you, and with My fatherly blessing I endow you.
With love and attachment, your loving Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
"I AM Almighty and in MY omnipotence I call to you: Do not ignore MY Word, which is Holy, for it will cost you eternity!
Listen to MY word in these and other messages so that you may be ready for THE day that is now coming soon. Amen. So be it.
Your Father in Heaven, who loves you so much."
Source: ➥