Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, September 13, 2014
One of the devil's greatest traps is to make you think hell doesn't exist!
- Message No. 687 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: I, your Mother in Heaven, am here with you so that you may be converted and find the way to My Son, your Jesus.
Our love for you is infinite, but the time left for you to decide is passing, and thus you must convert in order not to be lost!
One of the greatest traps of the devil is that he makes you believe that hell does not exist! He thus deceives you from the true faith in My Son, because he makes you believe in lies, which you fall for!
You must look past these lies, and you must find your way to Jesus, because if you continue to live in the illusory world of the beast -and this is what everyone does who is bound to earthly things!- you will not attain the New Kingdom of My Son and you will not "experience" the so wonderful gift of the Father to you!
My children. Run all to Jesus, because only HE will free you from sin, lie, depravity and bondage of earthly and devilish (!) kind! HE will redeem you and HE will give you the glory of the Father!
So come to HIM! Run to HIM! Let yourselves fall into His holy arms and give Him your irrevocable YES! You will become joyful and happy children of the Lord and live full of contentment and love with Him by your side!
Come, My children, come and wait no longer, for soon it will be too late. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥