Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Time is running out for you!
- Message No. 683 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Me, with your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, and listen to what I want to say today to the children of the world: My children. You must repent and convert, for otherwise the devil will take possession of your soul when the predictions come to pass now.
The Antichrist is ready, and it is only a matter of tactics until he enters the world stage. All of your prayers have already stopped much of the planned evils, but it is important that you continue to pray, because the devil is staging more and more black masses and meetings of a particularly satanic nature in order to implement and push through his cruelest plans after all.
My children. Be warned and do not move away from My Son at any time! He alone is your salvation! Your Savior and your Redeemer! Only with HIM you are safe, and there is nothing the devil can do against you if you are completely with My Son!
My children. Confess yourselves to Jesus, those of you who have not yet found your way to HIM, and find your way home, to your Father who loves you so much! HE, THE Creator of you and all being, is waiting for you with lovingly opened Father arms!
Wait no longer, My children, for time is running out for you!
In deep, motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- My child. Tell the children to convert to Me and trust in Me completely! Then I can take care of them and act where action is necessary.
Come, My children, come and let yourselves fall into My Holy Savior's arms! All I will take you, and glory I promise you, if you confess Me, your Jesus who loves you so much!
Come, My children, come and wait no longer, for very soon now I will be victorious over the devil and banish evil, and you must be pure so as not to be lost with him and to him!
A true, honest, sincere YES to Me will save your soul. Amen. With deep love, your Jesus."
Source: ➥