Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Make yourselves aware of it!
- Message No. 660 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children today that We love them.
Each one of them is precious and created by the Father out of purest and divine love. It is love that makes your lives worth living. It is the Father's love that gave you life. Out of this love HE created everything that is, but you, My so beloved children, are "the very special" in the creation of the Lord, and as this "special" you are also exposed to special dangers through envy and hatred and lust for power of the devil, because he wants to be ruler over what is dearest to the Father, and that, My beloved children, is you.
So make yourselves aware, because the devil has no real interest in you. His interest is to cause suffering to the Father by stealing your soul and subjecting you to greatest torment once you are lost to him. The Father, however, is and will always be true love. HE IS love, and you are His children, the "very special marvel" of His so fascinating creation.
You are here in preparation for eternity, i.e. Eternal Life at the side of your Lord and Creator. There you will live the love, which the Father has intended for you from the beginning, but you must not get lost to the devil, His adversary, because he will condemn you and inflict the greatest suffering, just to torment the Father! He has no interest in you. He does not care about you.
So wake up, My children, and go to Jesus and with HIM on the way to the Father. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask you to do this, because only with God will you become happy, only with HIM will you find fulfillment, and only with HIM and with HIM will you be whole. Amen.
In deep and grateful love that you hear Me, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Pray for the children. They need your prayer. Amen.
The saints present here. Amen."
Source: ➥