Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
You are created for eternity!
- Message No. 643 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: It is the love of My Son that gives you great joy and gladness as children of the Lord, that heals you and embraces you so that you are secure and in love yourselves, and it is only through this love that dwells in the heart of each one of you that your life is worth living and your existence, destined to be at the side of God, is worth striving for, that is: Your soul longs for the source of this love, and everything it does to return to it -to God its Father-, but you, My beloved children, must "vote for it" with your free will, so your will and your soul are one, and the way back home to your Lord and Father can be started.
My children. You are created by God and created for eternity. He has given you the life, the existence out of purest love, and HE has created you for the eternity AT HIS SIDE!
Be aware of this, My beloved children, because the Father is purest love. HE is love itself, and HE desires the return of each one of you. His Father heart, which loves you so much, is filled with sorrow when HE sees how many of you have "lost" the way to HIM.
Convert (again), My children, and live what the Father has planned for you: A life with HIM and at HIS side, in preparation for eternity here on earth, to then be given the immense glory in the Father's Kingdom of Heaven.
My children. Your soul longs so much for the Father! Give yourselves a jolt and say YES to Jesus. In this way your soul will get what it longs for and your eternity will be glorious.
But, My beloved children, you must first purify yourselves. I.e. that your soul first "goes through purgatory". This -as already mentioned once in messages- can already happen during your lifetime. Afterwards, however, you are pure and undefiled and begin to recognize and understand: The Mystery, the Mysteries, the Creation: God the Father. You will be initiated into the "heavenly teachings" and a new, holy, loving world will open up for you.
My children. Convert yourselves! Purify yourselves! And live in the providence of the Lord. You will experience infinite joy, and earth life will turn "180 degrees for you".
Confess Jesus, and get involved in this so wonderful "adventure"! You will be fulfilled children of the Lord, and nothing and no one will ever separate you from HIM/HER again.
My children. Jesus is waiting for you! The Father is waiting for you! Give your YES to HIM and give yourselves completely to HIM. I, your Heavenly Mother, ask you to do this. Find your way to My Son, so that you will not be lost. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
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