Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 31, 2014
The truth is withheld from you!
- Message No. 637 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: The man of whom We spoke is here. He is in the midst of you, yet many of you have not heard of him. Since your media is infiltrated (by evil), this is easy to understand. *
My children. Pray for those who speak the truth! Pray for all who defend the Holy Word and My Son! Pray, pray, pray, so much good will still happen and many souls/children will still find to My Son!
My children. The time is pressing! Your world is in upheaval and so much is "crashing down on you". Again and again you hear terrible things in your media. Islam is presented as the religion that is spreading the most, but, My children, it is not so, because the truth is withheld from you!
Who reports on all the children who find their way to My Son on a daily, even hourly basis? Who speaks publicly about all the miracles, the conversions, the healings, the apparitions that all take place? Your media do not report anything about it, because for their "string pullers" only the negative is important, that which makes you sad and afraid. So they keep you small and quiet and desperate. No way out they show you, instead they present you more and more misery. But the good, the true -my son- they consciously don't mention, because HE could bring you hope -what HE does- but this is not in their interests.
You must search for the truth yourselves, and you will find it only in and through My Son. Without Jesus you will fall into despair and desolation. Your thoughts will become more and more gloomy, and you will no longer carry joy within you. With My Son, your Jesus, your life and eternity will be worth living, full of joy and love and gladness, happiness, contentment and fulfillment.
My children. You must realize that only Jesus is your way. There is no other. So come to HIM and confess HIM and defend HIM from all who want to put HIM down and drive HIM away.
Teach people that only Jesus is their way to eternity and to the Father and pray.
Your prayer must never stop! It is so important.
I thank you from the depths of My Mother's heart and bless you with My motherly blessing.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
* see message no.562
Source: ➥