Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, July 27, 2014
They don't know how much mischief they are doing to themselves as well!
- Message No. 632 -

My child. My dear child. So many children on earth carry anger in them and hatred in their hearts and do not know how much mischief they also inflict on themselves with it, but you must pray for them, no matter what they do to inflict evil, mischief or provocation on you, because they are not with God the Father, do not live with My Son, and they lack love in their hearts, and this is a condition that torments them, because without Divine love a person cannot be happy.
Never will he experience true joy, for only My Son gives this joy.
My children. No matter what happens in and on your world, what happens around you, always remain in the love of My Son, because it gives you joy, happiness and contentment! Do not be provoked by anything or anyone, because the devil tempts you through those others who are not with My Son, but if you are completely with My Son, surrendered to HIM and live sincerely, honestly and full of love for HIM, then the devil cannot approach you with any temptation or provocation.
My children. Love the Lord, your Jesus and God the Father in Heaven, who loves you so much, and persevere. Soon everything will be over, and the glorious time will then dawn. Believe and trust and be one with My Son. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥