Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Let your prayer never come to an end!
- Message No. 631 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Today, please tell Our children the following: You must all turn to My Son in order not to perish and be lost, for only through HIM, the Son of the Almighty Father, will you enter into the glory of the Lord, but all others will be "destroyed", deceitfully deceived, seduced and stolen by the devil, to then spend their eternity in the conflagration of evil!
My children. Your world events are getting worse every day. The most horrible acts are committed, and nothing is sacred to Satan's worshippers! Everything they destroy, they desecrate, and the greatest suffering they inflict on their fellow human beings. Heaven looks sadly at your earth, but, My so beloved children, the Father sees the so numerous remnant army of you, who, being faithful to Jesus, defend HIM, give HIM your love and give your life for the faith in HIM, your Holy Savior!
My children. It is you who uphold the mercy of the Lord, and through you much evil is kept away! Many children My Son reaches even today, through all your prayers, your sacrifices, your love for HIM, draws them to Himself, to take them too, when the great day has come, into His New Kingdom!
My children. Hold on! Stand firm! And be always with Jesus. The 3rd World War is to be provoked, therefore, My so beloved children, pray, pray, pray! Do not stop praying and pray throughout the nights! Call your guardian angel and ask Him to pray with you, your soul. Only through unceasing prayer you will hold back/stop the worst! Therefore, never break the chain of prayer that goes over the whole world, because through it you will achieve that the good will prevail!
My children. Believe and trust. My Son stands ready, and when it seems that you, the world, are "doomed", HE will come and conquer! The heavenly hosts are ready, and they will fight and conquer!
Pray, My children, pray and never be provoked! You are the joy and comfort of the Lord in these days of the end. Believe and trust and never let your prayer come to an end. Amen.
I love you, your Holy Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Call upon your saints. All We stand ready for you and intercede with the Lord. With love. Your Saint Anne with Saint Joachim. Amen."
Source: ➥