Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
...the love of the Lord that never hurts others!
- Message No. 628 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children this today: The world in which you live will perish, because too great is the sin in which you live, too many devil worshippers are among you, influencing you and your world affairs, and too many of you are unbelieving and live far from God, Our Father, not honoring HIM, trampling His Most Holy Son underfoot, spitting on HIM and getting lost in deepest sin.
Whoever does harm to others in the name of God is not worthy to return to the Father. He is unclean and corrupted by the devil, because hatred has taken root in him, but not the love of the Lord, which never hurts or does evil to others, but which loves, helps the other, gives him time to repent, but never "condemns" or "curses" him, beats him or even kills him, just because he does not belong to the same religion.
My children. Whoever does this is not worthy to come before the Father. He is closer to the devil than to the Father in heaven, and his final destination will be the latter, because he is a slave of the evil one, and to his damnation he will go.
My children. Only prayer helps! Only by fervent prayer, by devotion to Jesus and by His love living in your hearts, if you are true and sincere "disciples of the Lord", you help others, yourselves and your world affairs! Your prayer transforms! It transforms everything for the good, and it is what is so desperately needed!
Be good children of the Lord and live love! Then others will also find their way to the Lord, because through your prayer and living as the Lord intends, you are "fishers of men" for the Lord.
My children. Always remain in love and never be provoked. The days of the end are hard, but in prayer, the love of the Lord and with joy in Jesus in your hearts, you will pass them and enter the New Kingdom with HIM. So be it.
With love and My motherly blessing, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Source: ➥