Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Without HIM, you will stand at the closed gate of heaven!
- Message No. 619 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Us and accept every suffering, because it is so urgently needed for your world, for the salvation of all of you.
My children. The end is near, and so many of Our earthly children are (still) apostate and have not (yet) found Jesus and God the Father. They continue to run after everything earthly, get caught in the snares of the devil and do not recognize the truth. For them there is only what they can see, and since their eyes are closed, blinded by the devil's seductions and productions, they do not see the true.
My children. You must free yourselves from earthly goods and pretensions, and give no place to temptations in your lives. They come exclusively from the Adversary, who wants to distract you from what is essential.
My children. Find the way to Jesus and become one with Him! Then you will begin to decipher the mysteries of the Lord and be able to recognize and live the truth!
Without My Son you are lost. Without Him your soul will not experience salvation. Without HIM you will stand in front of closed heavenly gates, and without HIM you will not attain the kingdom of 1000 years of peace.
My children. Give your YES to Jesus! He, who is your Savior, is waiting for you! His love for you is infinite, and a YES from you will bring HIM to you, or you to HIM!
My children. Come to Jesus and be happy in the Lord. Then you will live eternity in joy, and you will lack nothing, because Jesus and the Father will take care of you.
Come, then, and give HIM your YES, that you may live the fullness of the riches of God. Amen.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "For each one of you I am waiting.
My mercy is great, and still I give it to each one who comes to Me with a sincere heart.
Do not wait too long, for the Father has set the date.
So come, My children, and say YES to Me. Your joy will be Great once you have found Me. Amen.
In deep love, your Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥