Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 5, 2014
I will strengthen you with My Holy Spirit to be able to remain faithful to Me until the end!
- Message No. 610 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children of the earth the following today: The light that gives you life, that gives you gladness and joy, comes from My Son who loves you so much. HE, the Son of the Almighty Father, gives you joy and love, and the closer you come to HIM, the greater this joy will become, the more intimate the love that My Son has in store for all of you -every child of earth.
My children. Do not hesitate any longer and go all of you to Jesus, your Savior who loves you so much! His redeemer heart beats only for you, My children, and His redemption pain turns into deep love and joy as soon as a lost child finds its way to Him.
My children. Give back to your Savior, who loves you so much, this love and joy that HE gives to each one of you, by all of you confessing yourselves to HIM and giving HIM your YES again and again. In this way, His pain will be alleviated and His joy will be great.
My children. Jesus is waiting for you. With open arms and hearts HE is patiently waiting for each one of you! So run into His Holy Redeemer arms and let yourselves fall completely in HIM.
Your joy will be great, and the love that My Son gives you will be more intense, deeper and more glorious than anything you have experienced so far in love in your life, because His love is unconditional, it is and it will always be there, and the closer you come to Jesus, the deeper it will touch you and spread in you. So be it.
Come to Jesus, for only with HIM and through HIM will you become worthy of the promises of the Lord. Amen.
I love you, your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation.
--- "My child. My love for all earthly children is indescribably great. It cannot be explained with earthly words, because it is deeper, more intimate and purer. It is the true love. It is unconditional and is given to every child. It is the only true love, which deepens and increases the more you find to me.
My joy is your joy. I give it to everyone, but only the one who is really with Me will really receive and feel it. Whoever lives in My joy is eternally happy.
So come to Me, all of you, My children so loved by Me, and become one with Me. Receive My glory and that of the Father, for We have it ready for each one of you.
Give Me, your Jesus, your YES, and together we enter into My New Kingdom, which awaits all who have found Me and remain faithful to Me until the end.
My children. Soon everything will be accomplished and the promises will be fulfilled. So be completely with Me, keep adoration, Holy Masses, and seek out your holy places. In this way you will be very close to Me, and My Holy Spirit will work in you.
I will strengthen you with Him and through Him, the Holy Spirit, to be able to remain faithful to Me until the end. Accept Our help and attend Masses, places of worship and holy places where I, your Jesus, am present. Amen.
My so beloved children, I love you.
Your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. Worship HIM whenever you can, attend your Holy Masses and go to your Holy Places. Pray, dear children, for your prayer helps. I, your Angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen."
Source: ➥