Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, July 4, 2014
Listen to the Holy Word of the Lord and His handmaid!
- Message No. 608 -

"My child. My dear child. The time that remains to you is short, so confess My Son, your Jesus, so that you will not perish.
Your Father in heaven.
Ruler of heaven and earth and Creator of all being. Amen."
"My child. Make your way to Jesus, for otherwise you will be lost. Only Jesus is your only chance to attain eternal life. Only with and through HIM will you attain the Kingdom, but all others who do not follow HIM, do not profess HIM and trample HIM underfoot will spend eternity alongside Satan."
"So convert, My beloved children, and give your YES to Jesus", because only with HIM you will find the way back to the Father, only through HIM you will be happy children of the Lord. Amen. So be it. In deep and sincere love, your Father in Heaven and your Holy Mother Mary.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen."
--- "Listen to the Holy Word of the Lord and His handmaid, for only Your Son will show you the way to the Kingdom, only with HIM and through HIM will you be granted entrance into eternal life full of joy and bliss, love, peace and glory. Amen.
I, your angel of the Lord tell you. Amen."
Source: ➥