Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 29, 2014
He who carries hatred and covetousness and envy in his heart has no place for Me, his Savior!
- Message No. 603 -

My child. My dear child. Accept everything in love, My so beloved children, and give yourselves completely to My Son, because only HE is your way to the Father and to the glorious eternity that is given to everyone who loves Jesus, honors HIM and follows HIM.
My children. Make your way to the Father, because you "must" attain your holiness on earth. Whoever does not prepare for eternal life with His Creator will not enter the New Kingdom of My Son, because when the day comes, there will be only the way with Jesus for the faithful children of the Lord, as well as the pull into the damnation of the beast for ALL THOSE who rejected My Son during their lifetime!
My children. Prepare yourselves, for the Kingdom of My Son is waiting for you. There is room made for everyone there, but you must be pure and worthy. Jesus is ready, and the great "event" you will experience soon, but it will not "please" all the children of the earth. So prepare yourselves and receive My Son as it is due to HIM, because the one who is prepared, purified and with an open heart hopes and trusts in My Son and awaits HIM, will be granted a unique joy that will be overwhelming, glorious and radiant -to put it in earthly words.
My children. Expect My Son with love in your heart and fall on your knees as soon as the signs of this event appear in the sky. ALL of you will see the same (signs), but the experience will be different for each one of you, depending on your ("degree" of) purity and love for Jesus. Rejoice, you faithful children of My Son, for you will be full of joy and peace. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My children. I will come to warn you, and all those whom you sincerely love Me will experience great joy. My love will "carry" you and envelop you, and your heart will exult with joy and happiness, like a child's heart that rejoices without hesitation.
Help your brothers and sisters who have gone astray to find Me, so that they too may experience this event as a happy one and join My remnant army. In this way their souls will also be saved, and they will attain the New Kingdom with Me.
Tell all children that the time is now coming and they must live in love with each other, because whoever carries hatred and greed and envy in his heart has no place for Me, his Savior.
In deep love and full of joy I stand ready.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children and Son of the Almighty Father. Amen."
Source: ➥