Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Not one of Our children should have any doubt about this!
- Message No. 596 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: We, Heaven, the saints, the angels of the Lord, Jesus and God the Father, Our Creator of all, are real, that is, We really exist, and not one of Our children should have any doubt about this!
My children. You have only one choice: to choose Us, Heaven, and thus Jesus and God Father, or to be lost to the devil. There is nothing else where your soul will dwell for eternity, so wake up from fantasy and denial and face the truth, because whoever does not decide for Jesus and God the Father will follow the devil to hell, whether he wants to or not!
My children. Today, on the Sunday of/after Corpus Christi, I ask you to realize that you are all One, united to and in the Body of My Holy Son, your/His Church here on earth. All of you come from the same Father, and all of you are brothers and sisters, but only a few of you live in this awareness.
"Be good children of the Lord and set out to love your neighbor, because he -your neighbor- is a child of God, and as children of the Lord you are obliged to be good to each other and to help each other -earthly, as well as in faith- and if a child has lost his way, bring him back to the way home to the Lord God! I, your Saint Padre Pio, suffer when I see you, because even the most faithful among you have little compassion or understanding for those who go astray, yet they and you should do everything to bring that lost soul back to the Father."
My children. The saints suffer, because what happens in your world pains them greatly, just as it pierces My Son's Sacred Heart most painfully again and again. The lance thrust that HE suffered on the cross, HE suffers today through the behavior of all of you.
"Do not put yourselves first, but the one who needs your help -earthly, as well as spiritual/spiritual." Padre Pio.
My children. Find the way to Jesus and become one with HIM! Whoever lives with and in Jesus will be able to live and implement His teachings. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, so that you may become more and more instruments of the Lord and come closer to Him, My Son, and to the Almighty Father.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's Heart. Call upon your saints and ask them for help and guidance.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption with St. Padre Pio. Amen.
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