Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The devil never sleeps!
- Message No. 582 -

Always listen to Our call, no matter how tired you are! - 2014-06-10 My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Storms, floods and storms occur where apostasy is great. People are "fine", they live without morals, they are self-sufficient, and their existence takes place outside. In some countries, where there is less or hardly any prosperity, they pass their so precious time given by the Father with vices of any kind and also far from God.
My children. This is not the way to do it! God the Father calls you to repentance! You still have time for it! But soon His chastisements will descend upon you, and woe to him who has not found His Son! Your wars escalate! Violence is the order of the day in many places, and rebellion, obsession with power and fanaticism are spreading more and more in many parts of your world!
My children. My Son is your way to the Father! Only with HIM will you find your way home! Only with HIM will you find peace in your hearts! Only with HIM you will live together in love!
He is your way out of all suffering, out of torment, out of hate, out of envy, out of temptations, out of vice, out of sin! With HIM you become happy children of the Lord, and you get to know the truth!
HE is your Redeemer, and whoever is with HIM, has given HIM his YES and consecrates himself to HIM, the devil will have no more power over him!
HE is the light, the love, your way! Come to HIM and stay with HIM! Be completely His and let yourselves fall into Him!
My children. Please pray as soon as We call you, and perform the prayers that We have taught you. In these messages, as well as in others, you will find prayers for today! You are in the end times, and the devil does not sleep! Evil plans he forges, and by dark masses and rituals these are to be implemented now.
My children. Stop against it with your prayer! Pray, pray, pray! Always in the intentions of My Son and for all that We ask of you here and in other messages.
Your prayer mitigates and deters! It is powerful and strong! It is the most powerful weapon you have! Use it and thus stop the worst evils!
I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask you from the bottom of my heart. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"My Mother speaks the true word. It was given to Her by the Father.
Pray and remain vigilant, for the evil one is creeping up!
Pray your rosaries by day and by night and always listen to Our call, no matter how tired you are!
Your prayer is important and powerful, and only through the prayer of all of you, will you be saved from the worst.
Believe and trust, My children so beloved by Me, and pray!
Pray much and pray fervently.
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
Source: ➥