Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
So the devil and his elite group's "hands are tied"!
- Message No. 575 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, would like to say to Our children today: always remain in trust, because Jesus cares for you. He makes the impossible possible, and His faithful children will always be in His care.
My children. Believe in Our Word and be faithful to My Son. He is your Light out of darkness, your Savior in trouble, your Redeemer from sin and corruption. With Him you will enter into His New Kingdom, and great will be the miracles He will perform!
My children. You must have absolute trust, because all doubts are like stumbling blocks on your way to happiness. Jesus is your way to glory, and whoever lives with HIM will have nothing to fear.
My children. Prepare yourselves, because when it comes blow by blow, you will have no time left. The end is approaching, it is "creeping up", and the elite group believes itself already at the goal. Your prayers, My so beloved children, stop the implementation of the evil plans of this group! Make yourselves aware of it!
Pray, pray, pray, because in this way the end will be "mild(r)" and you will be spared the greatest abominations! Your prayer is powerful! Your prayer heals! Your prayer soothes! Your prayer brings peace, love, hope! And your prayer is the weapon against everything that is not wanted by God and the strongest means against the devilish plans of destruction of millions and millions of souls that the devil wants to steal as soon as he has let them die in agony!
My children. Pray! Your prayer stops all the evils from happening! You must remain in prayer, even and especially at night when We call you. Thus, the devil and his elite group's "hands are tied" and their plans fail, because through all your prayers they do not come off! How many evils you have already stopped, you cannot and should not know at this time, because the evils that were planned but could not be carried out are not only many, but moreover abominable, cruel and inhuman!
Keep praying, My children, so you stay completely with My Son and do good for yourselves, your fellow brothers and sisters and the world! Jesus awaits you, and everyone is welcome in His remnant army.
Confess yourselves, you who have not yet given your YES to HIM, to HIM now, and enter with HIM into the New Paradise, as soon as the time has come. Wait no longer, for the end is creeping up, and most of you do not see it.
Believe and trust, for Our Word is holy.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Believe, My children, and confess Me.
Trust, My children, trust completely in Me.
I, your Holy Jesus, will take you with Me at the end of days, and not one of My faithful children will be lost. Believe and trust, for so it will be. I love you and I am waiting for you.
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
--- "The Son has spoken, so confess HIM. The end is nearer than you think, and it comes creeping. Believe and trust and let yourselves fall completely into Jesus' arms.
I, your angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥