Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 19, 2014
Until this face comes to light, thousands, millions, even billions will believe him to be My Son!
- Message No. 560 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother of Fatima, call you. Please tell the children of the earth the following: The light that is My Son shines on everyone who believes in HIM, trusts in HIM and gives himself to HIM. Even in darkest times it will be so, because the faithful followers of My Son will not fall into darkness, they will carry the light of the Lord in them, and it will show them the way into the New Glorious Time. They will be "enlightened" and will know exactly what to do, and not one of Our faithful children will be lost in this time of terror.
My children. Get ready! The time is now at hand, which means you MUST be ready! Those who do not fully commit themselves to Jesus, trust in HIM and let themselves be led, will go through worst times. He will fall victim to the lies of the Antichrist, and the false prophet will do his part to make sure that the souls who are not completely with Jesus, who do not trust 100 percent in their Savior, Jesus Christ, WILL LOSE TO THE DEVIL, because, My so beloved children, that is what this terrible earth game is all about: To push as many souls into perdition as possible, in order to satiate the beast, but this one will never get enough! More and more "it" wants to have, more and more cruel deeds and conditions it will demand and devour more and more souls, but it will not be able to steal or even devour anyone who has given himself to Jesus!
Jesus is your Redeemer, your Savior and your King! So follow HIM into His New Kingdom and become one with HIM and the Father, ie: His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and I (the children of the Lord) will be an instrument.
My children. Do not wait any longer and give yourselves completely to Jesus. Be ready for Him and do not fall prey to His adversary. The Antichrist will come to show his true face, but until this face appears, thousands, millions, even billions will take him for My Son.
Be warned and remain in prayer. The Holy Spirit, if you ask Him, will give you clarity and enlightenment. So be it.
With deepest and most humble love, your Holy Mother of Fatima. Amen.
Thank you, My child. Go now.
Source: ➥