Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 16, 2014
Give them the only base that keeps them safe!
- Message No. 556 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say to Our children of the earth today: your life is precious and a precious gift from the Father, who created you in the greatest love and is preparing you for Eternal Life at His side in glory.
Protect life and do not allow it to be taken! Not through abortion! Not by euthanasia! Nor by suicide! Do not allow your children and youth to grow up without Jesus, because a life without the Lord is a life full of emptiness and aberration that will plunge them and you into sadness and sin!
Teach your children the teachings of the Lord and teach them the commandments! You must be an example for them, that is, you are responsible for them, for their faith, because if you, as true Christians and children of the Lord, live as God the Father intends, then your children will follow and never perish!
Only Jesus is the way to happiness! HE is the way to the Father, back home and to paradise! Without HIM your children will not know the way, and they will be exposed to all traps, temptations and evils of the devil!
Baptize your children! Prepare them for the first communion! And live exemplary lives for them as good children of the Lord and practicing Christians!
Love your children and give them the greatest gift there is: Life with Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Angels, because: God the Father cares for you, Jesus liberates and redeems you, and the Holy Angels of the Lord protect you.
All Heavenly Helpers are at your side: they pray for you, they guide you, they instruct you, and they help you. The Holy Spirit enlightens you, gifts you with clarity and purity. Pray to Him for yourselves and your children, and teach them to pray for themselves. In this way, the Holy Spirit will be with them in every situation of life and will endow them with clarity and transparency.
Dear parents. If you are true, God-fearing, Him-worshipping, believing and practicing Christians, then you are laying the foundation for "a life with God" for your children and giving them the only foundation that will keep them safe and lead them back to the Father. Amen.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My children. Prepare your children, for the responsibility for them is in your hands. Treat them well, for they are a gift from the Father to you. As HE gave them to you, now give them back to HIM. Then they will become God-joyful children, and their life will be in the service of the Lord, no matter what profession/vocation they follow. The Lord will be the center of their life and they will not be lost. Amen. Your Jesus and the Holy Angels."
Source: ➥