Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 12, 2014
It will be like "hell on earth" outside!
- Message No. 552 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our children the following today: When the light on your earth fades, know that the end is near. Have candles (consecrated) and supplies in your house. Get your holy books ready and immerse yourselves in intimate, devotional prayer.
In the 3 days of darkness, when there will be chaos, confusion and distress in the streets (people who were not prepared), stay in your houses, cover the windows, lock windows and doors and do not open them under any circumstances! The devil will set traps for you, but if you stay in your houses, no evil will be able to happen to you.
It will be the devil's last attempt to push you into the abyss of hell before he is defeated and chained. The scenarios on your earth in these 3 days will be cruel, for your world will be broken and the children who do not bear the seal of the Lord will be snatched to death.
You must listen to Our Word and stay in your homes, or you too will perish in the rubble. It will be like "hell on earth" outside before Satan and his followers are defeated, but you must not dare to look outside, because Satan will want to "link" you until he is chained and hell is closed, but until then he will try everything to push the Lord's children into perdition.
My children. Listen to Our Word and open neither window nor door! Remain in prayer and do not give in to curiosity or temptations! They are traps of the evil one, who never rests and in his defeat still plunges souls into disaster! So be completely with Us and pray! This is your only chance to escape the fall of the earth and go with Jesus to His New Kingdom.
My children. The time is near! Prepare yourselves and purify yourselves! Be completely with Us and listen to Our instructions. At the end of the 3 dark days, the light of the Lord will shine on you and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit will fill you.
Come, My children, come all to Jesus, for HE is your way into the New Glorious Time. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
--- "Your Mother Mary is calling you. Follow her call and go to Jesus. Only who is with HIM, who gives himself to HIM, will be worthy. I, an angel from the 7 choirs, tell you. Amen."
Source: ➥