Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 5, 2014
The commandments of the Father protect you!
- Message No. 545 -

My child. Sit down and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children of the earth: love one another as My Son loves you, and live according to His teachings. The Father's commandments protect you from decay and torment of soul, therefore live according to them and obey them, because otherwise evil will enter you and you will not know what is good and what is bad, because the devil and his elite group "sell" you the bad for the good, and since it is often so much more "convenient" for you to follow the devil's slogans than to fully engage with the will of God, your minds become clouded, and you accept the devil's teachings as the correct ones without even realizing it.
My children. Be warned. The devil's game is evil and deceitful, and only My Son can save you from decay, delusion and fall! He, the Son of the Almighty Father, loves you! He forgives you! He hears you! But you have to come to HIM, give HIM your YES, and get completely involved with HIM. Amen.
I love you, My so beloved children, and I lead you to My Son, if you ask Me for it. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. So many children are caught "in the fog" of the devil and do not realize it. Come to Me, My beloved children, and all will be well. Amen. Your loving Jesus."
Source: ➥