Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Unfortunately, you are not aware of this danger!
- Message No. 541 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say this to you and to Our children today: time is passing. Faster than you think. Therefore, you must hurry and confess My Son in time!
When time has passed, it will be too late for so many of Our children, and the devil will have a "feast of joy", because every soul that has not confessed Jesus will belong to him, that is, it will be lost to the wicked of the wicked, and he will have it thrust into the depths of his hell, and gleefully he will have it tortured and will witness this so cruel spectacle.
Be warned, My children so beloved by Me, by Us, by the Father and Jesus and all of Heaven, for the torment and suffering and chastisement that will befall you there are nothing compared to any cruelty you know of this world! The devil himself will torment you and this, My beloved children, will be most terrible for you.
My children. If you could see how the torments of hell are, what they do to the souls there, you would pray, pray, pray and do only good, but unfortunately you are not aware of this danger, those who do not believe, and even many believing children do not believe that this place exists so torturously!
Come to Jesus, My beloved children, and do not expose yourselves to this torment. Be good children of the Lord! Live according to His commandments and obey them! Hold fast to the teachings of Jesus and desist from sin and vice, for every vice is sinful and divides you from your Father, God, the Most High.
Take advantage of the time you have left and repent. Purify yourselves, repent and repent, so that you may be pure for My Son, who will take you all to His New Kingdom, if you confess Him with a sincere heart.
Come, My children, and wait no longer, for the time that remains to you is passing quickly.
I, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much, now ask all God's children to take these Our messages seriously, because this mission will soon come to an end, and those who have not followed them, who have not listened to Our Word, will not know the New Time of Peace, the New Kingdom of My Son.
So be warned and use the time you have left. I ask this of you, from the depths of My Mother's Heart, which loves you so much. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. Amen.
"My Mother speaks the true word. There is not much time left for you. So come to Me, My so beloved children, and give Me your YES. I, your Jesus, am waiting for you, because I love you. Each one of you. Amen.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥