Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
By the graces of the Lord, your prayers are now INTENSIFIED!
- Message No. 521 -

My child. Share the following with Our children today: The time is grace-filled, but soon evil will take over and overshadow all areas of your lives, so pray, My children, pray for peace in the hearts of all God's children and peace in your world, especially now, in this so grace-filled, holy time, for by the graces of the Lord your prayers are now INTENSIFIED (! ) and thus have an even greater power against evil, against all the planned, diabolical plans, fairs, outrages, abominations....
My children. Use the graces of these days and pray, pray, pray! Give yourselves entirely to My Son, to your Jesus, and ask Him, your Redeemer, to put peace in the hearts of men and to fill them with His love, so that love may prevail and evil may give way!
My children. Your prayers are powerful! Use them in the fight against evil and unite yourselves completely with My Son! This is such a precious time, the time of His Passion, for which He gave Himself to the point of death on the Cross, to free you from sin and to wash you clean, to obtain the greatest gift of all: The return to God, your Father in Heaven, who loves you -like Jesus- infinitely!
My children. Repent, confess, atone! In this way you will attain the Kingdom of My Son and share with Him this precious time! Give yourselves completely to Him, your Savior, and consecrate yourselves to Him! In this way you will come closer and closer to Him, and His merciful love will become more and more palpable for you.
Love Him as He loves you! Feel with HIM in this Passion time and offer HIM your suffering, your burden, your sacrifices! HE will always be with you, support you and carry you when it is too much for you and give you His merciful love, no matter how many times you have been absent or how far you may have strayed from HIM.
Jesus loves you! He is waiting for you! He wants to give His merciful love to everyone! So come to Him, My beloved children, to your Savior, and let yourselves fall into His Holy arms and be flooded and enveloped with His merciful love, which heals your soul, gives you peace and fills you!
With the most intimate love, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen.
"My child. To all My children I want to give My love and My mercy. So come to Me, to your Jesus, and together We will go to the Father. In His glory We will live and find deep peace and fulfillment.
I love you, and I await you, your loving Jesus.
My child. Make this known.
Source: ➥