Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 14, 2014
Go to your priests and ask them to celebrate this feast!
- Message No. 518 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our priests today to celebrate the Feast of Mercy, as the Mass of Mercy on the first Sunday after Easter.
Tell all your priests, for this is a special feast, full of graces for the children of the Lord and the express wish of My Son, who -together with the Father- showers you with the greatest graces, in this so holy time.
Mercy is given to you by Jesus, My Son who loves you so much, for the forgiveness of your sins, and the Feast of Mercy, which you begin to prepare on Good Friday with the Novena to Mercy -as I communicated to you yesterday-, ends -if you celebrate it as communicated- in the great grace of the Plenary Indulgence, a great gift from the Lord.
My children. Tell your priests to celebrate this feast solemnly and to guide their communities to this desire of My Son. Saint Pope John Paul II has already established this feast as a Church festival, but too few truly celebrate it.
My children. Go to your priests and ask them to celebrate this feast, which is so extraordinarily gracious for the children of God! With deep love and attachment, and with great thanksgiving, your loving Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Go now, My child.
Source: ➥