Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 11, 2014
His commandments, given out of love for you!
- Message No. 514 -

My child. My dear child. Your world is a wonderful creation of the Lord. HE created it in great love and gave you paradise. The fall of your ancestors is widely known. Yet God, the Father of you all, has never stopped loving His creation, His children.
Again and again HE has and gives you "guidance", but you all transgress His commandments, which HE has not given as punishment for you, but out of love for you, to give you all a wholesome, loving and peaceful life, because His commandments enable exactly that: a loving and peaceful togetherness, in which there is neither quarrel, nor covetousness or any other sin! It is the instruction to a life in joy and fulfillment, but you trample His loving "instruction" with feet, spit on it and disregard it.
Your greed has driven you to plunder and rob your earth, as well as your fellow man. Neither do you care about the welfare of your fellow brothers, nor about the welfare of your earth, which is completely unbalanced by your shameful, greedy deeds! You always want to have more, to possess, and you do not begrudge anything to the others.
My children. This is not the way! Find the way back to the Father and keep His commandments! Come to Jesus, My children, and do not get lost, because the devil has set his traps to catch you and steal you. Only Jesus can save you from the "fall"! Confess to HIM! Give your YES to HIM, your Savior who loves you so much, and unite with HIM in the fight against evil (your prayer!).
Whoever follows Jesus, loves HIM, gives HIM his allegiance, will not be lost, but whoever continues to deny My Son, pushes HIM away and banishes Him, will soon find himself in the abysses of hell. Amen.
I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, warn you, My so beloved children. Come to Jesus, otherwise you will be lost. Amen.
With love and attachment, your so loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
My child. Make this known. Amen.
--- "Whoever disregards My Father's commandments, I will not take him into My New Kingdom, for he is unworthy to receive this so precious gift.
So turn back, My children, and follow Me, and you will not be lost to the devil, for I will come to save all children faithful to Me.
In deep and humble love.
Your loving Jesus.
--- "Humility is a gift.
Your saints of the communion of saints.
--- Make this known, My child.
Source: ➥