Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 7, 2014
This is My gift to you in this time when Satan is exercising power!
- Message No. 507 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me, My so beloved daughter, and listen to what I, your Father in Heaven, want to say to you and to the children of the earth today: be ready, My children, for the end is near. My Son, your Jesus, will come, and everything will be fulfilled as the prophecies foretell.
My children. Fear not, for those of you who are with Jesus, who trust in HIM, hope in HIM, love HIM and give yourselves entirely to HIM, to these children none of the horrors that will yet overtake your earth will happen.
Your prayer protects you! Your Seal preserves you. This is My gift to you at this time when Satan is wielding power, and it will be a blessing to you when the great division is consummated.
My children. Wear My seal, for it will protect you! Pray,My faithful children, for much of the atrocities that are being planned behind closed doors, you are stopping with your prayer!
Believe and trust! We will not leave you who are faithful alone at any time.
I love you, My so beloved children. My love for you is infinite and My desire for you to find Me is ardent.
Come, My children, come, for with the end of this time, the glorious time prophesied to you will begin!
With deep love and attachment, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much. Amen.
"I will give My light to those who are faithful to Me and My Son. Do not be afraid, My children, for in you My light will be, burning and shining, giving you "peace" even in the darkest "night".
I love you.
Your Holy Father in Heaven.
God, the Most High. Amen."
Source: ➥