Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, April 3, 2014
You are closer to hell than to heaven!
- Message No. 503 -

The foundation walls of your church and your life of faith are based on Father's values!
My child. My dear child. Listen to what I want to say to you and to all Our children today: I love you, My so beloved flock of children, and I will lead each and every one of you to My Son, if that is what you want. Ask Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven, for this and pray to Me. Then I will present you to My Holy Son and intercede for you at the throne of the Lord.
So trust in My Word and follow My call, for My Son awaits you, each one of you, and His love is great and merciful. God the Father, Our Almighty Creator, longs for your return to Him, and through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, you will be able to walk this path.
My children. My so beloved children. Come all to Me, to your Holy Mother in Heaven, and I will lead you to Jesus. Give your trust to Him, your Holy Savior, Son of the Almighty Father, and He will lead you to the Father.
My children. Prepare yourselves, for the time of the end is approaching with every passing day. Evil, immorality, the "normalization" of sin and its approval are spreading like wildfire over your earth. Be warned, My dear children, and be vigilant, because what seems to become more and more NORMAL, is nothing but the entrance into the world of the devil!
So be warned, and keep away! Live as good and true children of the Lord and do not participate in the devil's sinful performances, productions and seductions. Acceptance of this trend, which throws all moral principles overboard, is NOT in accordance with the Word of the Lord, and your church must NOT approve of it, conform to it, or open its gates to this devil-engineered trend! Remain faithful to Jesus, to His Word, to His teachings! Keep the commandments of the Lord and live by them!
It is by no means a "demonization of modernity", as many of you denounce it, but a move deliberately set by the devil to plunge many souls into the abyss! The foundation walls of your church and your faith life are in no way musty, outdated or outlived, but they are based on the values of the Father, who has provided for the good of all of us in every respect.
Unfortunately, you are too busy following the devil -without realizing it most of the time- and thus understand less and less of these so precious values, the commandments and the teachings. You do not live them! You are far from God!
My children. Turn back, because only in this way you will be saved! Follow My Son and listen to Our call in these messages.
I love you from the depths of My Sacred Mother's Heart and bless you.
My Son loves you. Give HIM your YES and begin to live with HIM as true children of the Lord, instead of continuing to defend the lies of the devil. You denounce God, your Creator, and Jesus, today as you did then, and eat Satan's lies and -worse- spread them. You are closer to hell than to heaven. So turn back so that My Son can set you free. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much.
Make this known, My child. Amen.
Source: ➥