Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Be sure that you are all wanted children of the Lord! Each and every one of you is loved!
- Message No. 488 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. Please tell the children of the earth that We love them. Each one of them is important, is special and lovable, yet so many of you feel unloved, unlovable, unimportant and void.
My children.
Be sure that you are all wanted children of the LORD! HE created you, and HE loves you so much! Each one of you is important to HIM, as it is important to Jesus, His only begotten Son! Every single one of you is loved! By the Father, by the Son and by Us Saints!
We know how hard, how burdensome, how unjust, how ugly and so much more earth life can be, for We all walked the earth as children of men, yet We have found God, and HE has ordained Our lives!
In spite of burdens and burdens We bore "Our Cross" in joy
Therefore you also come to HIM!
Come to HIM and to His Son! Live with HIM! Rely completely on HIM!
Your life will become so wonderful, as soon as you really and honestly and sincerely commit yourselves to a life with HIM, and NEVER AGAIN will you suffer as you do now, because the LORD fills you, loves you, gives you the most intimate and greatest joy and is always there for you!
NEVER AGAIN will you be alone! NEVER AGAIN! HE, who is Almighty and created each one of you, loves each one of you!
HE longs for you, and there is nothing greater for HIM than that you come to HIM and give yourself completely to HIM.
All your worries will vanish, because the Lord will take care of you!
Believe and trust, because We have lived on earth with HIM, and each one of you can do the same. So be it. In deep love, your saints of the Communion of Saints under the guidance of St. Joseph and St. Bonaventure. Amen.
"My child. Make this known. So many of Our children feel unloved, yet they are so loved by Us and Our Father! Tell them this. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven."
Source: ➥