Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
In love I will help those who humbly come to Me!
- Message No. 484 -

on the Solemnity of St. Joseph My child. My dear child. I, your Saint Joseph am here to tell you and all the children of the earth today the following: My love for you is great and My promise to you today is this: Every person who turns to Me will receive My intercession at the Throne of God.
Every person who prays to Me will receive the forwarding of his prayers through Me, His Advocate, to God, his Most Holy Father.
Every man who believes in Me and trusts deeply in Me, whose prayers will be heard, for high is My position before God and mighty the intercession I make for My believing and faithful children of the earth at the throne of the Lord.
So turn to Me, to your Saint Joseph, pray to Me, believe in Me and trust in Me, then My promise to you will come true in your existence and My help, My miracles will be given to the one who turns to Me in faith, trust and prayer, devoted prayer. So be it.
This is My promise to you, to all the children of the earth, today, on My Holy Day. Amen. In deep humility, your Saint Joseph.
In love I will help those who humbly come to Me. Amen.
--- "My Holy Husband will help you. Believe in HIM! Pray to Him! He is a powerful intercessor for you at the throne of the Lord. Amen.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven."
--- "My Nurturing Father has a humble heart, so loving, and is a righteous man. So turn to Him in love and humility, and His intercession for you will be great. Amen. Your loving Jesus."
--- "My children. Pray, pray, pray. Your prayer is so much needed! With deep gratitude, your Mother in Heaven and the communion of saints.
Pray for all the intentions that We keep asking you to pray for. It is very important! Amen."
--- "Your prayer will still keep away many calamities. So pray, My children, so that the evil one's evil, destructive plans may not come to pass! Listen to Our call! Otherwise it will soon be too late!
Your angel of the Lord. Amen."
--- "Carry love in your hearts, for love will prevail.
Your Father in heaven. Amen."
--- Make this known, My daughter. Amen. Go now.
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