Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 9, 2014
He who does not trust will not experience Our miracles!
- Message No. 469 -

Write, My child. I, your Holy Marina, am here to tell you, the children of the earth, the following today: You must learn to trust (again). Whoever does not trust will not experience Our miracles, because he does not believe that they are possible (on him or in his surroundings). Also, you must learn (again) to trust each other, but for that you must always keep what you promise, do what you say, and be completely there for the other, for otherwise you will never attain a true basis of trust.
Trusting in Us is very difficult for many of you children of men, but know that you can NEVER be disappointed by Us, by God the Father. Only those who blindly trust in people, without having created a basis that comes from love, being for the other and sacrifice, following the masses and not being in contact, direct contact, with God your Lord and Father, will be disappointed, because their expectations will not be fulfilled, but by the time they realize this, they are already so deeply hurt that they will have less and less trust.
My children. Let go of your expectations, which are so high, and create the basis for trust! He who has no expectation cannot be disappointed. But who follows the masses and blindly trusts in people, always expects something, and these expectations will hardly be fulfilled, because the basis is missing and therefore the trust, which you however blindly put in these people and masses and then are bitterly disappointed.
So create this basis in your interpersonal relationships, which makes trust possible in the first place, and trust in God the Father, His Holy Son, the Mother Mary and in Us the Saints!
Come to Us without any expectations and trust! The miracles of the Lord are greater and more beautiful than any expectation you can have, so get rid of expectations and just let it happen.
The Lord God will take care of you, give you love and always give you protection and guidance! Trust in Him and in His Holy Son, because He, Jesus, is the way to Him, to the Father.
I love you, and I will give My miracles to the one who trusts in Me. So be it.
Your Holy Marina. Amen.
My child. Make this known. Amen.
Source: ➥