Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 28, 2014
My Sacred Father Heart sees every good will!
- Message No. 460 -

My child. My dear child. Come to Me, My daughter, and hear what I, your Father in Heaven, have to say to the world today: My Most Holy Son suffers. HE suffers for you, My children, because every sin pierces His Most Holy Redeemer Heart and causes HIM, who loves you so much, forgives you everything and bestows on you with the greatest mercy, great suffering, a pain like that of the lance thrust, piercing His Most Holy Heart again and again.
My children. You sin too much. You sin in indifference, and you sin without thinking. Sin has become something "normal" for you. You do it several times every day and do not see the suffering you are causing My Son. It is not only the "grave" sins or mortal sins that make HIM suffer so much. It is rather these everyday sins that you commit without restraining yourselves even a little.
Stop, My children, and do not do evil to each other! Be silent if you have nothing positive to say, and always answer in love, no matter what question you have been asked or how much the other "picks" at you. Give joy to the unhappy and a smile to the grim. Meet each other in openness and love and in honesty! Do not commit a sin because the other has challenged you, provoked you, or "because everyone does it"!
Reflect, My children, and try to avoid sin. My Sacred Father Heart sees every good will in you! So strive to stay away from sin, and even if you may not always succeed, stay strong in your resolution and next time do it better, more calmly, without letting yourselves be provoked or even put into "white heat".
Be completely with Me and with My Son, then you will always act in love. So be it. I thank you.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. Stay away from sin and mend your ways. I, the angel of the Lord, tell you.
Your angel of the Lord. Amen."
--- "My children. I love you. Repent of your sins and do not repeat them, for My Redeemer Heart suffers greatly, and every sin causes Me the greatest pain. Be good to each other and love one another as I love you. I thank you.
Your Most Holy Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
--- "Follow the Lord, for only HE is your way.
An angel from the 7 choirs. Amen."
--- My child. Make this known. Amen. Your mother in heaven.
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