Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 20, 2014
My infinite love will forgive you if you fervently repent of your sins!
- Message No. 450 -

My child. My dear child. I love you. My daughter. Listen to what I, your loving Jesus, and God the Father want to say to the children of the earth today: We love you very much, and through this intimate, sincere, honest love, We forgive every misstep, every evil word, your unsightly thoughts, even your fornication, but you must begin to repent and mend your ways.
It is of no use for you and your poor, suffering soul -for every sin weighs on it- to sin, to confess and to commit the same sin right away again! You must repent of your sins and, as well as you can, do not commit them again.
He who honestly and sincerely repents of his sins will make every effort not to commit that sin again! He is aware that whatever sinful thing he has done is really sin and keeps him away from God, His Almighty Creator. Thus, he will not want to commit it again, and if he does, it weighs so infinitely heavy on him that he repents even more deeply, more intimately and pleadingly!
"Little children, I, your Father in Heaven, love you, and My infinite love will forgive you if you fervently repent of your sins and stay away from them. So come to Me and beg for My graces. In My love, I send you My Holy Heavenly Helpers who will stand by you. They will help and guide you, but you must beg Me, those who are deep in sin, and repent. Then My light will burn ever greater in you and you will find the way out of sinfulness. I, your Holy Father in Heaven, promise you. Amen."
In deepest love, your Father in Heaven and Jesus who loves you so much. Amen.
My child. Make this known. Thank you.
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