Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
- Message No. 404 -

My child. Tell Our children that time is pressing. 2014 will be a joyful year for those who convert to My Son. Many will be, but soon, very soon, the great schism will come, and the true, faithful followers of My Son will suffer. Their churches will be closed or used for pagan/satanic purposes, and you will have to receive your Holy Eucharist in secret. The few "true" priests of My Son will have a particularly hard time, but trust, My beloved sons, for you will be enlightened with the Holy Spirit of His Father, but you must give yourselves completely to My Son.
Much prayer, heartfelt prayer, and the oath of fidelity to My Son from the bottom of your heart you must give in order to become aware of this enlightenment. I.e., whoever honestly and sincerely follows My Son, the true words will be put on his tongue, and not he will speak, but My Son through him, for His Holy Spirit will then dwell in you, endow you with clarity, and in you My Son will act.
This is for all the faithful souls of My Son, for not one of His children will He abandon. Believe and trust and live happily in these days of the end, for My Son will come to save you, and paradise, His New Kingdom of eternal peace, HE will lay at your feet.
My children. The times are becoming beautiful! God the Father has the most wonderful glories in store for you. But you have to go through these last days to then be given the fruits of His so precious Paradise created for you.
My children. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, love you so much, and I lead each one of you to My Son, who loves you so much, as soon as you sincerely ask Me for it. His love for you surpasses everything, for it is the Father's love for each of His children, and it is the love that forgives everything.
Come, then, My children, and place yourselves entirely in the Lord's care.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's heart and will come to you until God the Father puts an end to evil. Until then you still have time to repent, but do not wait too long, for the end is nearer than you think.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in heaven. Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
" My Mother speaks the true word.
The great division is coming, and My true priests must be prepared.
Believe and trust. With each one of you I will be, as My Mother has told you.
I love you so much, and it pains My Holy Redeemer Heart to see how much hatred and strife and envy there is among My ordained priests. So many have sold themselves to the devil, but you should know where that leads you. Turn back and give yourselves completely to the Father so that you can be forgiven.
Whoever continues to defile himself with fame and power and earthly riches will not come to know My Kingdom. The gates will remain closed to him and his eternity will be damnation.
Rise up, then, and renounce all evil, for he who follows the beast and falls into his snares and defiles his heart will not be worthy of Me. I, your Holy Jesus, call you to repentance, for only in this way will you be saved.
So be it. Be warned.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
"My Son speaks the truth, so follow HIM.
Especially the priests among you, know that your punishment will be just, for you have betrayed what is holy, and to My Son and His retinue you inflict great suffering. Therefore, your suffering will be all the greater if you do not convert and commit the way back to Me and My Son.
I, your Father in Heaven, warn you, because when My hand of justice strikes, it will hit hardest those who are like wolves in sheep's clothing. Amen.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all being."
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His call! Turn back and do not defile yourselves any more! I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥