Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, January 6, 2014
Please follow My call and pray as soon as We wake you up!
- Message No. 402 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here with you. I love you, My child.
My daughter, I, your Holy Jesus, who loves you so much, thank you for your long prayer, because, as always on special days that are HOLY, the devil strikes and has black masses held worldwide.
My children. When We wake you up at night, I ask you to pray, because this is how you stop against these satanic masses and avert much evil and suffering. The devil does not have the power to oppose pure prayer, and so you thwart his plans of evil, with your nightly prayer. The most powerful thing is the Rosary, which My Mother taught you! Pray it, because it is the most powerful thing you can use against evil.
My children. My Mercy Rosary is especially powerful at the times of 3 o'clock and 3 o'clock. Pray it in My intentions and also take My Mother with you. At night the attacks on you/us are particularly strong and always at Our times at 12 o'clock or 00 o'clock and 3 o'clock or 3 o'clock. The Mercy Rosary stands against this desecration done to Us at night in and through these Masses and alleviates Our suffering. Please follow My call and pray as soon as We wake you. Thank you, My beloved children.
The end times will soon be over, and then I will come again and redeem all of you, those who follow Me. Thank you, My children. Hold on a little longer. If you do not know that it is We who wake you up at night, then do not ponder and think long, but pray, pray, pray. Be sure that when you awake at nightly times, it is We who have called you.
I love you, and very soon I will come.
Your Jesus.
Source: ➥