Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 30, 2013
Beware of the lottery life!
- Message No. 394 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother of tears, love you very much. Sadly, I have to see how you are destroying all that the dear, kind and Only Lord has given you.
My children. This is not the way! It tears My Mother's heart, which loves you so much, to see how the values of the Lord, your Father, who loves you so much, are trampled underfoot. You would rather turn to the devil for "quick pleasures" than profess the Father, go within yourselves and experience the true, honest and only happiness that the Father has in store for each of His so beloved children.
My children. Reflect again on the values of the Lord! Live according to His commandments, because only in this way will you become truly happy.
My children. The devil will still cause you so much suffering, but you do not see it! You close yourselves from the truth and step more and more deeply into his traps!
Children, beware of the lottery life, because it brings you misfortune and damnation! Break out of the circles of gambling, sex, and pleasure addiction, because you will need more and more of it to feel "good", and more and more your soul suffers from it and gets broken, because who "enjoys" himself in the outside, he damages his soul. He lets his heart wither and his soul "wither".
My children. Only the way to the Lord will give you fulfillment, everything else are only set traps of Satan, who gives you "quick feelings of happiness", quick "kicks" and makes you dependent and thus captures you.
My children. My Sacred Mother's Heart will heal only when you all start on the way to your Father in Heaven, and My tears will dry up as soon as you all confess My Son!
Give your YES to Him, your One and True Savior, and happy times will await you. So be it.
It is not too late! Turn back, and the happiness and joy and love of the Lord will be yours. Amen.
Your loving Mother of Tears.
"My children. Only those who give their YES to Me will experience true love.
Only he who gives himself to Me, gives himself and his life to Me, will live eternally fulfilled and in peace.
So come to Me, My beloved children, and get involved in a wonderful adventure, because life with Me, with your Jesus, is the most beautiful, the most glorious and the only fulfilling!
So be it.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children.
"My Son has spoken, so hear and follow.
He who finds his way to HIM finds his way to Me, and he who lives with HIM is saved, and the most terrible tribulation will be spared him, for he has placed himself in My care through Jesus.
Believe and trust and listen to Our Word in these messages. My love for you is immeasurable, and each one of you I await with My open Father arms to heal you with My love. So be it.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children.
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His call, for HE who is Almighty loves you so much. Listen to His word and live with His Son.
I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
Thank you, My child, My daughter.
Source: ➥