Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Find your way back to the true values of life!
- Message No. 382 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. The time before the feast of My Holy Son is a special time and serves to prepare your soul and heart for the birth and return of My Son.
Use this time as such and recollect the value and essence of life, for it is love that you should live, but the devil has "sold" you something else under love, and now you no longer understand what love is, but wander around in the devil's swamp, wrapped in veils of mist and do not see what is essential, do not see that God the Father is waiting for you, do not see what this life here on earth is for and do not see the outstretched hand of My Son who wants to free you from this swamp.
My children. Give your YES to Jesus and find your way back to the true values of life. Treat yourselves with respect, yourselves and your fellow brothers and sisters, and love your neighbor as yourselves. This is so difficult for you, because you do not see into the heart of the other. Be sure that even the most evil one still has a heart and that somewhere there is still a little light burning. But you must make this light shine in the other with your love, so that he (the other) can also discover and live the love in himself again!
My children. I love you so much. Find the way to My Son, then you will find the way home. Nothing will stop you on this path of love, and you will be richly endowed, because whoever has found his way to My Son will be endowed with the graces of the Lord, and His miracles will happen to him.
My children. Face all people in love and remember that if the other is rude, quarrelsome and evil, that person is going astray. Pray for him, may the Holy Spirit enlighten him and always see the flame of the Lord in the other. Then it will be easier for you to bear the wickedness, and the other will be changed by your prayer.
The Lord's omnipotence knows no limits, therefore surrender all children to HIM! Do not quarrel, but ask the Lord for peace.
I love you. Hold on a little longer. Turn within yourselves and pray in the intentions of My Son, for much prayer is still needed.
Thank you, My children.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"Pray for the children. Your prayers will be heard."
Your Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.
Source: ➥