Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The graces of the Father are great in these days!
- Message No. 372 -

- Consecration Prayer -.
My child. The days on your so beloved earth are passing, but many of Our children continue to lose themselves only in externals and worldly things.
You must go into yourselves, reflect and convert, because if you do not find your way to My Son now, then evil times will await you. Only the children who have confessed My Son will enter His New Paradise, but the one who continues to care only about himself, the gates will remain closed to him, because he thinks he is enough for himself and does not realize that it is not so.
All Our children were created by God, and every soul longs for the Heavenly Father. Why are you suppressing this? Why do you not listen to this so wonderful longing, which is the pure love for the Father, of your soul?
You mutilate it with your indulgences in worldly pleasures, because your soul, created by the Father in the purest and deepest love, atrophies when you live so much on the outside. It wants only the love, the care and the security of the Lord, for then it is filled with deep peace and happiness, for the love of the Lord is all it needs.
My children. Take advantage of this Christmas and find your way to the Lord! Celebrate this feast in love and honor and respect for My Son, because HE is the way to the Father, and I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am the way to Jesus.
I lead you to Him, My beloved children, and He takes you into His loving, all-forgiving arms. HE will bring you to the Father, because HE is your Redeemer, your Savior from all evil and the evil itself, and HIS feast, which you celebrate at Christmas, is the feast of redemption, because only through HIS birth HE became your sacrificial lamb and when at Easter you celebrate HIS resurrection and "accompany" HIM again and again through this painful chastisement of HIS passion, you celebrate at Christmas this "birth of redemption" which precedes Easter, for without the incarnate hope which is My Son, the redemption of your sins would never have taken place.
Give thanks therefore to the Lord for this incarnate sacrificial Lamb, and give thanks to the Son for this unqualified and perfect devotion to you, My beloved children. Celebrate His feast in joy and deep love and do not get further entangled in the outside, but run into His arms and let yourselves fall into HIM.
My children. Whoever wants to consecrate himself and his life to Jesus, let him do it now, for the graces of the Father are great in these days, and nothing will be more beautiful for you than to celebrate your life entirely with Jesus and in the service of the Lord.
Come, My children, come and give your YES to Jesus.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's Heart and thank you for following My call. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children with the Holy Angels and the Saints. Amen.
This is the consecration prayer to Jesus, which We wish you to pray: Prayer No.31 .
Consecration Prayer
O my Jesus, I consecrate myself entirely to You. My life I surrender to You, please YOU take care of me, guide me and heal me.
Amen My child. With this prayer, you surrender yourselves completely into the care of My Son. You are welcome to complete it with your own words, to include your loved ones, and to simply surrender yourselves completely to Jesus.
I love you. The graces of the Lord are great and to each one who is open to them they are given. Believe and trust, My children, the Father's omnipotence knows no limits, and He works His miracles especially on those who give themselves completely to His Son.
I bless you, My children. With deep love and affection, your Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥