Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The dark days will come upon you sooner than you think !
- Message No. 369 -

My child. Tell Our children that the dark days will come upon you sooner than you think, for too cruel are the deeds of those who want to dominate your world, too much do the children of God suffer oppression, control and brought about disasters, like your monetary crisis.
God the Father will soon intervene and My Son will come to you, but the worst times have not yet begun on your earth. Pray, My children, pray much and fervently, for your prayer averts so many calamities! Be aware of the power of your prayer and use it as a weapon for good in your world.
Do not worry about how you will survive, for whoever has confessed My Son will be taken care of. Believe and trust and persevere through these last days. My Son will reward you richly, for HE will come to liberate you and take everyone who is devoted to HIM into the New Kingdom that the Father has created in greatest love for all His children.
So be it. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children. Amen.
Go now, My child, and come again tomorrow. Thank you.
Source: ➥