Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
So many children blindly follow the false prophet!
- Message No. 355 -

Good morning, My child. Thank you for coming. I love you. Write, My child, write, because time is pressing more and more. So many children blindly follow the false prophet, and so many children get more and more lost as a result, because they give ear to the one who comes from the devil, cheer him on, and do not notice how they are cornered and the devil is caught in his fishing nets.
My children. The teachings of My Son are relevant for all times. They cannot be changed, even if that is exactly what is happening. Be warned, My beloved children, for those who speak to you most from "the soul" are those who do you the greatest harm. They pretend, they lie, they use your discontent to reach their goals, to impose the plans of the evil one and to remove Jesus, My Son, from your life altogether.
Once they show their true faces, it will be too late for you, for too far have you "leaned out of the window" against the Lord, too much sin have you indifferently and approvingly allowed into your lives, and too little or not at all have you turned to Heaven, heeding the Lord's commandments and living humbly and in true love with one another.
My children. A world full of lies and intrigue, sex and homosexuality, same-sex marriages and child adoptions of those from whose coming together new life can never arise, prostitution, child trafficking and abuse, abortion and so much more you accept as "normal", but it is not. All this has been brought to you by the devil, and none of it comes from God, Our Lord and Father.
God has created your world so wonderfully, but you don't pay attention to HIM, don't turn to HIM and don't live with HIM. You have abolished "His will be done" for you and your life, because you live only according to your will and don't understand that just this causes so much suffering and evil and sin on your oh so beautiful world.
Wake up, My children, and live with the Lord again, because it is HE who gives life, it is HE who gives love, it is HE who created everything, and it is HE who cares for all/s, but you have turned away and opposed Him and do not want His care.
Whoever does not live with the Father will not be able to enter the New Kingdom. The devil will keep him under his spell forever and then, when the decision is made, inflict suffering and hardship and torment on him.
Never believe the evil one, for he has no good vein in him! Rude awakenings will come to those who follow him submissively, and nothing of what he has promised them they will reap. On the other hand, those who live with My Son will be uplifted, and true joy, happiness, love and long-awaited peace will be their harvest.
So be it.
I love you. Give your YES to My Son! It is not too late for that!
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever stubbornly persists, whoever does not want to change, whoever does not believe in Me, does not hope in Me, will perish.
But he who has love in his heart, lives with Me, trusts in Me and lives his life according to My teachings and My Father's commandments to the best of his conscience, him I will take with Me into My New Kingdom, and a thousand years of peace will be given to him.
So now come to Me, My beloved children, and begin to turn to Me. All those who follow Me sincerely will experience the entrance into the New Glory, but those who remain stubborn and hard will have a rude awakening.
So come into My Holy Arms, and turn to Me with everything, then I will take care of you, and great joy will come into your hearts.
I love you, My children.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
"My child, the time is now very pressing. I love you. Your Father in heaven. Amen."
"The Lord has spoken. Amen.
An angel of the Lord. Amen."
Source: ➥