Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Criticism, nagging and doubt do not come from God!
- Message No. 334 -

My child. My dear child. I, your mother, love you very much. Do not despair and offer everything to the Father, for HE will transform it into love for humanity.
My child. As St. Bonaventure said, a lot of suffering is "sweeping" your world today. Whoever has opened his heart, whoever looks around and looks closely, will see and feel it. Even if it does not affect him, he will perceive it in his environment, in his fellow men.
My children. You must stick together, and you must trust. In Us, in Me, in My Son, in Our Father in Heaven and His Holy Spirit! Turn to Us and to your saints. Heaven is open to you, and whoever knocks will be opened, whoever asks will be granted entrance (into life with Us already here on earth), and whoever prays will be heard. My children. Believe, for your faith moves so much! Pray, for your prayer does so much good! Trust, for he who is in trust and obedience to Us will not be lost. Nothing bad will happen to him, for the Lord Himself will take care of him. My Son will comfort him and fill him with love, and the Holy Spirit will give him understanding and clarity! My children! Convert! Come to Us! To Jesus and the Father, and your life will become so much richer. But do not expect earthly goods, but trust in what you need, for it will be given to you. My children. The Father is almighty, and in His omnipotence He cares for each of His children, but only the one who lives with Him, who puts himself and his life into His almighty hands, will also experience this care. Your free will is a gift of the Lord and will never be taken away from you. Therefore, come to Him out of love and freedom, and the riches and glories of the Lord will be placed at your feet. Believe and trust, and stop criticizing! So many helps We give you, but again and again you question, nag and try to interpret what is not yours to do! Accept Our Word and pray to the Holy Spirit for the clarity to understand! Do this with everything you do not immediately understand,and let Heaven enlighten you! Criticism, grumbling and doubts do not come from God. They are "feelings" stirred up by the Adversary that keep you from following Our Word, Our Call! Therefore pray for
clarity and purity and love, so that the Holy Spirit may enlighten and fill you with the truth and understand with your heart!
I love you, My beloved children, and I look forward to the day of great joy, when My Son will come to you from heaven, put an end to evil and take you, My faithful souls, to His New Kingdom.
My children. My children so loved by Me. My Mother's Heart beats for you, for each one of you, and is united with you in deepest love. Feel it, My children, for I am your Mother in Heaven, chosen by God, Our Lord, and love each one of My children from the depths of My Sacred Heart.
In eternal union.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥