Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Put your life in His service and pray HE may guide you and heal you!
- Message No. 331 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you. Thank you all for coming to Me, your Mother of Lourdes who loves you so much. I love you, My children, all My children worldwide I love.
My child. Your petitions I hear, for I love you. Give time to everything. Nothing happens from now on, but needs growth. Only the miracles of God are omnipotent, therefore, My children, place your lives at His service and pray that HE may guide you and heal you.
My child. Your son will be healed. Believe firmly in it. This is how it will be. Saint Bernadette is now with you. With Her and St. Marina you have 2 strong intercessors at your side, whom God, Our Father, has endowed with the gift of healing. If you, My beloved children, call upon them, with reverence and respect, they will plead for you at the throne of the Lord, and HE will make His miracles happen.
Everything comes from God, from the Lord over heaven and earth, and We, your Heavenly Helpers, are in His service, helping HIM to convert you, to heal you, to comfort you, to care for you, ...the list is endless. But, My so beloved children, it is HE who gives this healing THROUGH US.
My children. I desire from My heart that you understand My words and implement My call from other messages. All that We "can" is from God, Our Lord, yet you can call upon Us and it will be granted to you.
My children. I love you. From the depths of My Mother's Heart, which loves you so much, I love each one of you.
My children. Convert and turn to Us with all your requests. I, your beloved Mother in Heaven, am always there for you, as well as your saints and angels, who are always at your service, if you ask them lovingly, with joy, hope and respect in your hearts. Amen. So be it.
I love you.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes.
My child. Make this known. Go now. I will watch over your journey home. Amen.
Source: ➥