Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 31, 2013
There is no more beautiful way than this!
- Message No. 326 -

My child. My dear child. Yesterday I told you that I was being desecrated and this condition continues.
My children. Keep praying for Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven, for I love My children worldwide, but I weep bitter tears for those who do this abomination to Me, and I seek consolation in your love, you who are devoted to My Son and to Me, in your prayers and in your closeness!
I love you so much, and there is nothing I long for so much as the entrance of My children into the newly created Kingdom of My Son, but there are still so many souls to be saved, so pray, My children, pray that even these children committing atrocities will find their way to Me, to My Son, so that their "end" will not be bitter and they will not "drown" in the mire of suffering, the abyss of hell.
My children. I love you all from the depths of My Sacred Mother's Heart, even those who disgrace Me, harm Me and you, My faithful souls. I see how blackened the devil has their soul, what sorrow and what deep-seated fear is in their hearts. All this they "cover up" with cruelties they do to others, because the devil has contaminated them, takes this state of their heart, their soul, to stir up hatred and turn their aching feelings into hatred for others. So they feel strong, they feel "approved", and they "overshadow" their true feelings.
Therefore, My children, all seek out Holy Confession as often as you are able, for there your soul regains the peace it needs! It is relieved, freed and purified in every confession you make, and the devil thus has no chance to turn your aching feelings, your burdens into evil, but Jesus comes, takes away your burden, your oppression, your fear, and takes care of you, but you must allow it.
Give HIM your YES, and your life will change positively in a wonderful way, because the one who is with Jesus, who lives with HIM, is never alone and therefore does not have to carry any burden of the world alone. His heart will always receive the divine love, pass it on, even in the most depressing moments you will feel the light of the Father in you.
My children. Get up and set out on the way to Jesus. A more beautiful path than this does not exist, and a more fulfilling life with the wonders and glories of the Lord you will not find.
Therefore, turn back! Come to My Son! And your life will be wonderful!
From the depths of My Mother's heart and with all My love I embrace you. I grant My protection to those who sincerely ask Me for it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever now does not soon repent, whoever continues to close himself off from Me, and whoever refuses Me his YES, I will not be able to help him, for his free will I respect, even if it is directed against Me, His Jesus who loves him so much.
My children. I suffered for you on the cross, and I redeem all your sins so that you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven liberated, but the one who opposes Me, I cannot help him. The one who rejects Me will remain alone and without the hope of eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore, come to Me and let Me help you, and joyfully we will enter the New Paradise, My Kingdom, which God, Our Father, has recreated for all His children.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥